The Mid-South Ghana Conference is part of the Southern Ghana Union Conference. It was formerly part of South Ghana Conference and was organized in 2015. It was reorganized and its territory divided in 2017. Mid-South Ghana Conference covers a section of the Central Region of the Republic of Ghana, including Upper Denkyira District in the north; Twifo Hemang Lower Denkyira District in the west; Assin Foso District in the east; and Mfanteman District, Komenda Edina Eguafo District, and Cape Coast Metropolis in the south.

The Mid-South Ghana Conference is part of the Southern Ghana Union Conference. It was formerly part of South Ghana Conference and was organized in 2015. It was reorganized and its territory divided in 2017. Mid-South Ghana Conference covers a section of the Central Region of the Republic of Ghana, including Upper Denkyira District in the north; Twifo Hemang Lower Denkyira District in the west; Assin Foso District in the east; and Mfanteman District, Komenda Edina Eguafo District, and Cape Coast Metropolis in the south.

There is a sanctuary in heaven, the true tabernacle that the Lord set up and not humans. In it Christ ministers on our behalf, making available to believers the benefits of His atoning sacrifice offered once for all on the cross. At His ascension, He was inaugurated as our great High Priest and began His intercessory ministry, which was typified by the work of the high priest in the holy place of the earthly sanctuary. In 1844, at the end of the prophetic period of 2300 days, He entered the second and last phase of His atoning ministry, which was typified by the work of the high priest in the most holy place of the earthly sanctuary. It is a work of investigative judgment, which is part of the ultimate disposition of all sin, typified by the cleansing of the ancient Hebrew sanctuary on the Day of Atonement. In that typical service the sanctuary was cleansed with the blood of animal sacrifices, but the heavenly things are purified with the perfect sacrifice of the blood of Jesus. The investigative judgment reveals to heavenly intelligences who among the dead are asleep in Christ and therefore, in Him, are deemed worthy to have part in the first resurrection. It also makes manifest who among the living are abiding in Christ, keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, and in Him, therefore, are ready for translation into His everlasting kingdom. This judgment vindicates the justice of God in saving those who believe in Jesus. It declares that those who have remained loyal to God shall receive the kingdom. The completion of this ministry of Christ will mark the close of human probation before the Second Advent. (Lev. 16; Num. 14:34; Ezek. 4:6; Dan. 7:9-27; 8:13, 14; 9:24-27; Heb. 1:3; 2:16, 17; 4:14-16; 8:1-5; 9:11- 28; 10:19-22; Rev. 8:3-5; 11:19; 14:6, 7; 20:12; 14:12; 22:11, 12.)

I Will Go Worldwide
I Will Go involves all church members in reaching the world, inspiring and equipping them to use their God-given spiritual gifts in witness and service for Christ.
At its core, I Will Go is about you. It’s also about the whole church and other institutions partnering to share the gospel with our communities and to the ends of the earth.

The Great Commission says: Jesus’ followers are to go and make disciples of all nations. The gospel must be shared with hundreds of unreached people around the world.

The Great Commission says: Jesus’ followers are to go and make disciples of all nations. The gospel must be shared with hundreds of unreached people around the world.
The value of the plan will be determined as the Church works together as a worldwide team of brothers and sisters, under the power of the Holy Spirit.

Pr Isaac Amoah-Saah
Pr Ernest Edson Arhin
Pr Garnet Owusu-Ansah
Pr Isaac Oteng-Asare
Communication/Estate and PARL